
12-03-2025 Vol 19

Ultimate 32-inch 4K Gaming Monitor – LG 32GQ950

Hello everyone it's SpawnPoiint and this is 
the 32GQ950 LG's latest gaming monitor. Now   i know what you're thinking, not another 
monitor! Well this one is different.   It's got a 32-inch 4k hdr display, vrr, g-sync, 
freesync and is capable of up to 160Hz (OC).   Pair that with a one millisecond response 
time, hdmi 2.1 and the awesome new design it   could be one of the most popular monitors 
in 2022. And as i've been using this for   the last month this is a real hands-on 
review today not a first impressions. Okay, so inside the box it comes with the two-part 
stand there's the feet and then we've got the arm   itself we also have a box of accessories which 
includes an hdmi 2.1 cable a usb cable the   display port cable as well as a power brick and 
plug there's also this little plastic clip which   is for the cable management which i will show you 
later now setting this monitor up is just as easy   as every other lg monitor that we've had lately 
the main arm of the bracket will attach it to   the back of the monitor with a simple click then 
the feet attach the arm with a single screw that's   built in and then that's it we're done so this 
wouldn't be a gaming monitor if it didn't have   at least some gaming focus design so around the 
back we've got this new purple and grey hexagon   theme going on there's the ultra gear logo at the 
top it's got a kind of a purple foil-like texture   to it as you move around on first impressions the 
back of this monitor looks quite reflective but if   you look really closely you can just about see 
it's made up of tiny little hexagon shapes and   these are all etched into the panel you'll notice 
the overall look is more gray than black which is   definitely different to what we've seen before 
on previous models now not only does this design   look awesome but these little white strips you can 
see either side where these are actually leds it   means when the monitor is switched on you'll get 
an ambient glow on your wall in the settings you   can actually change or customize them to different 
colors or you can turn them off completely i think   this adds a really nice vibe to your monitor 
especially when you're gaming at night and if   we look around the edge of the hexagon it's got 
some vents here for airflow and the rear of the   stand has some more ultra gear branding now for 
a monitor this nice is a real shame it's going   to be facing towards the wall most of the time but 
imagine at gaming events where you've got loads of   these lined up it's going to look incredible from 
the back but without question this is definitely   my favorite monitor design that i've seen from 
lg they've done a really good job of keeping the   gaming vibe as well as making it look quite clean 
and if we turn the monitor around we've got an   almost borderless design on the screen so three 
the signs don't have any hard plastic frame which   gives it a minimal and sleek look it's only 
the bottom part of the frame which is a little   bit thicker and that houses the ultra gear logo 
under there we've got a little control stick type   button that you can use to change the settings 
or turn the monitor on and off so the GQ950 is   a 4k screen with a 3840 by 2160 resolution and 
it has a 16 by 9 aspect ratio it also has a nano   ips panel and hdr 1000 so as you'd expect the 
image quality or the picture quality is going   to look great out of the box and from using it 
over the last month it's safe to say it has some   of the best true to life colors i've ever seen on 
an ips panel whether i've been playing on the ps5   or the xbox series x fps games or racing 
games everything has looked incredibly good   now i've been a huge fan of its predecessor the 
27 inch GP950 but i sometimes felt 27 inches was   just too small i have mentioned this before in 
previous videos if i could have the same spec   in a 32 inch screen that would be perfect well 
here we have it lg says it's got atw which is   advanced true wide now this is a polarized attack 
to help reproduce better colors and better blacks   this is obvious when you're watching it straight 
on as the colors really do pop but this feature is   designed to make the image even better when 
you're viewing at any angle so as you turn   or you move off center the image is less washed 
out than what i've seen on other monitors but not   only does the image look great it's also display 
hdr 1000 certified which means it has a peak   brightness of 1 000 nits that is a huge step up 
from other monitors i've used over the last year   and it really shows when you're gaming as the 
difference or contrast between the darkest and   the lightest areas are even further apart and this 
goes hand in hand with the decent black levels or   the black stabilizer option so the dark areas are 
not crushed or washed out the screen does have an   anti-glare coating so playing it in a bright room 
or near windows is okay especially with a brighter   screen now you're always going to see some kind of 
glare or reflection but it's better overall than   the glossy screen so in the room that i'm using 
it here i have a window directly opposite this   desk and as you can see you can just about see it 
as i move around but overall it's pretty good and   you also might wonder if there's any light bleed 
or ips glow well viewing it straight on i haven't   seen any notable glow at all the dark scenes or 
loading screens are perfect obviously it's not an   oled so the black areas are not completely black 
and there are multiple dimming zones across the   screen it's only really when viewing off center 
do you notice a little bit of ips glow but   that's expected and not a fault at all as for the 
response time and the overall gaming experience on   the GQ950 this thing is fast like really fast 
it's got a predicted one millisecond response   time which by anyone's standard is rapid you're 
not going to have any issues with this screen   displaying what you want and when you need it 
and playing fps games on this is effortless i've   played some of the best games i've ever played on 
this monitor now although it does have support for   up to 160 hertz when overclocked it can handle 
the obvious 144hz and 120hz so if you're gaming   on a console like me this is perfect for the 
playstation 5 or the xbox series x with those   two consoles is a simple plug and play with the 
monitor and it provides everything that you need   we've got vrr or the variable refresh rate and 
that is now supported on both the xbox series x as   well as the ps5 and then we've got g-sync and amd 
freesync if you're gaming on pc okay so now if you   press the button under the monitor you get access 
to this overlay and it shows you where the vrr   is running and what frame rate you're getting you 
can also adjust various other settings like the   black stabilizer or which picture mode you want to 
use so i've been playing loads of different games   to really test this out so the normal games like 
warzone and a bit of vanguard and even some apex   legends i've never really given this game enough 
of my time but it actually looks awesome on this   monitor the colors really pop and it's so vibrant 
but either way any game that i've played on here   runs really smoothly and that 120 hertz refresh 
rate looks great from those consoles then other   games aren't necessarily running at 120hz still 
play smoothly so i mentioned earlier that there   are leds on the back of this panel which gives 
us a nice ambient glow while gaming now out of   the box these are purple but in the settings you 
can adjust the color to any other color you wish   i actually think the purple is probably the best 
color choice to go for so that's the one that i'm   going to stick with so at night they look really 
nice but the only downside that i can see is you   cannot adjust the brightness level this really is 
as bright as they will go and that means with the   screen being as bright as it is with that display 
hdr 1000 it's not quite the same as having an led   strip on the back now not only is this a perfect 
gaming monitor it actually doubles up as a great   productivity monitor that ips panel means it's 
got incredible colors decent sharpness and a   low input lag connect a pc or laptop using an 
hdmi or display port and you've got yourself a   monitor that can do both it is missing a usbc port 
though so i'm not able to connect and charge my   macbook at the same time so in this case i'm 
using the hdmi port which means i'm not able   to take advantage of the full 120hz refresh 
rate as unfortunately the macbook is limited   to 60 hertz over hdmi but refresh rate aside this 
32 inch monitor works really well for productivity   it's probably the best non-ultrawide size to go 
for when it comes to work the text is sharp and i   wasn't able to see any artifacts around the text 
either if you're using the display port for say   pc you'll get the maximum refresh rate and a great 
image quality i would happily use this for working   on every day and as for the stand it's got all the 
usual adjustments you would expect to see so with   a little effort it will move up and down it will 
then tilt forwards and backwards if you want to   face it up or down you can do it this way and the 
final adjustment is it will pivot left and right   this is ideal for making sure it's level the only 
thing it doesn't do is it doesn't swing side to   side so if you want to point it left or right you 
will need to move the entire stand then looking at   the feature we've got the lg logo on the left side 
and then we've got the bright green nvidia g-sync   logo on the right but this is just a sticker so 
you can remove it very easily and around the back   to keep your cables out of sight there's this 
little plastic bracket that clips onto the back   so all you need to do is feed your cables through 
this and it means from the front then you're not   able to see those cables hanging down but if you 
don't want to use the provided stand that comes   with this monitor it does also have 100 by 100 
vessel holes so if you grab yourself a different   stand or a monitor arm you're able to install 
it this way and while we're here if we take a   look at the ports on the back so it comes with two 
hdmi 2.1 ports this is ideal for the playstation   5 as well as the xbox series x then there's 
a displayport 1.4 one upstream usb 3.0 and   two downstream usb 3.0 ports and something that 
you cannot see easily is there's also a 4-pole   headphone out under the screen and this gives 
you virtual 3d sound as well as dts headphone x   support it's not something that i will personally 
use but it's definitely an awesome feature to have   included okay let's take a look at the settings 
and the menus on this screen so under the screen   there's this little joystick like button that if 
you press it it turns the monitor on and off as   well as accesses the settings now the settings 
and the menu on the GQ950 are very similar to   what we've seen before you can choose from a list 
of presets or adjust the brightness and contrast   as you need there are also various other settings 
like enabling a crosshair if you're playing an fps   game or if you wanted to see what the frame rate 
was as you're playing a game we can enable that in   here as well or you could also adjust the response 
time from fast to faster and this is what gets you   close to that one millisecond response time and 
then if you go ahead and you select the gain mode   from the option this is the gaming overlay that we 
now see and it shows you what the game is running   at including vrr or the frame rate again which is 
a really nice feature and with all of that said is   the 32g q950 worth buying well if you're looking 
for a 32 inch gaming monitor that is rapid with   up to 160hz capability it looks great and doubles 
up as a decent productivity monitor this is pretty   hard to pass on sure there are bigger screens out 
there such as the 42 inch c2 oled i feel the 32   inch really is the sweet spot for both gaming 
and work it's not too big or too small and as i   mentioned having used this now for the last month 
or so this will be replacing the 27-inch GP950   i've been using that for the last nine months 
and this new one definitely is better overall   i love the bigger screen the better and brighter 
panel as well as this awesome gaming design now i   might even do a comparison of the 27GP950 against 
the 32GQ950 to see what the differences are but   let me know what monitor you're using now or 
if you would pick one of these new ones up now   drop a nice gaming monitor in the comments and 
i will give you a thumbs up for staying right   till the end if you did enjoy today's video 
check out my gaming desk setup video next as   it covers everything in this setup including 
the chair the desk and all the accessories   thanks for watching please like sub and follow 
me on instagram and twitter until next time

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